Difference of cellular affinity against SBA-lectin
- Materials and methods
G-Coat dishes modified with α-1,6-galactose
SBA (Soybean agglutinin) is a plantal glycoprotein composed of four subunits having
- BIBa specific binding domain to N-acetylgalactosamine and galactose.
Venous blood of healthy adults was used to collect blood cells except hematopoietic BIBstem cells collecting from cord blood.
Identification of blood cell types was carried out by flow cytometry using monoclonal BIBantibodies (Beckton Dickinson).
- Results
The order of cell adhesion based on the affinity with lectins:
- BIBErythroid, granulocytes > lymphocytes >NK celis
In the case of applying less than 100 μg/mL of SBA, erythrocytes preferentially BIBadhered to the dishes. Thereby leukocytes were isolated from erythrocytes as
- BIBan unattached cell fraction.
The adhesion of the immature stem cells was 21% even if the dishes were treated BIBby over 800 μg/mL of SBA.
Enrichment of NK cells using ECL-lectin (Negative selection)
- Materials and methods
The dishes (Φ: 35mm) were modified with G-coat involving galactose and glucose, BIBand then treated with galacto-specific ECL (10 ng/mL) at room for 60 min.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were enriched by 1.077 g/mL single-BIBdensity gradient centrifugation.
PBMCs (2x10
) including NK cells were resuspended in dPBS(-) with 0.2 wt% of BIBBSA.
The suspended cells were seeded on the ECL-treated dishes, and then incubated at BIB37℃ for 30 min.
Nonadherent cells in supernatant were recovered from the dishes, and then NK cells BIBand lymphocytes in the recovery were identified by Flow cytometry using
- BIBmonoclonal antibodies.
- Results
The loss of NK cells was suppressed by diminishing galactose ratio on the dishes, BIBto lead to more selective collection of NK cells.
The adjustment of buffer or incubation conditions may improve the efficiency of NK BIBcell enrichment.
Basic functions of lectin
Efficacy of lectin
Ripple effect