Pioneer of the chemically functionalized glucides
NeTech Inc.

[Prenatal test]

Practicability of prenatal test using erythroblasts

Cells in maternal blood, which involve male chromosome or paternal gene, are fetal origin.

The collected cells having Y chromosome are fetal cells.

Detection of the characteristic sequence of Y chromosome by using DNA amplification assay.
Congenital Anomalies 2004; 44: 142-146
Detection of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) signal according to Y-chromosome.

Prenatal Diagnosis 2002; 22:17-21 
Prenatal Diagnosis 2007; 27(9):846-8

Simultaneous detection of Y-relating genome by using FISH and PCR.
Paper was submitted to an international journal.
The collected cells having paternal DNA are fetal cells.
Paternal DNA was directly extracted and detected from the adherent cells after SLM.
Collaborative research with other BioTech

The above-mentioned researches show that the cellular fraction after SLM enrichment certainly involves the cells of fetal origin.

SLM supplies sufficient erythroblasts to analyze aneuploidy using FISH.

  • Image analyzer: Metafer4/AXIO (Carl Zeiss, Jermany)
  • FISH probes: GSP Lab. (Kanagawa Japan)
  • Venous blood of pregnant women after post diagnosis were collected, and then IIIIconducted SLM.

  • Hemolysis after blood drawing occurred on the individual 4. Hemolysis may
  • BIBhave reduced the number of erythroblast detection.

SLM is a practical technique to supply fetal whole genomes as erythroblast.

LinkIconBasic functions of lectin
LinkIconPrenatal test
LinkIconEfficacy of lectin
LinkIconPipple effect