Related informations of KytoGEL
UV irradiation apparatus and the integrated quantity of light for gelation
- Adoptable apparatus of UV irradiation for KytoGEL is commercially available from various manufacturers. Especially, the apparatus introducing LED illuminates with the uniform wave length of 365 or 385nm. UV-A within the wave length of 315 to 380 nm is used to induce a good hydrogel of KytoGEL. We recommend to try the apparatus prior to purchase. There is some manufacturers supplying a strobe lamp to emit a strong light including all wavelengths. You can easily sort candidate for apparatus through searching "ultraviolet irradiation equipment" in Google.
- The point for selecting the irradiation apparatus is the output of light source. The integrated quantity of light per unit area is defined as the product of time (sec.) and illuminating intensity (mW). The integrated quantity of light for hydrogelation of KytoGEL is about 200mJ/cm
- For example, UV light source having 10,000 mW/cm
is asked for 0.02 sec irradiation to integrate 200 mJ/cm
. Actually UV irradiation is performed at from 3 to 10 centimeters away place, thereby the illuminating intensity diminishes in inverse proportion to square of distance. Additionally the illuminating intensity diminishes according to the diameter of light guide cable or the lens unit for expanding irradiation area. Hydrogelation of KytoGEL more than 5 mm thickness requires more integration of light.
- Endoscopic operation is performed through a narrow working channel and a light guide fiber of less than 2 mm diameter. Quartz optical fiber or highly transmissive polymer is applicable to the light guides for the endscopes, and can be sorted by a Google search for key words involving ultraviolet, quartz and fiber.
- Please inquire of the manufacturer the connection of the light guide fibers with the light sources.
- KytoGEL is a reagent for researches, avoid clinical uses.
- KytoGEL is adoptable as wound dressing or hemostat composed of polysaccharide hydrogel complex, leading to acceleration of healing. Conventional products described below contribute to the management of wound healing through maintenance of a wet environment and prevention of infection.
- KytoGEL complex is promising as a hemostat for massive bleeding at urgent disaster.